Individual Therapy

Our approach is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance on your journey towards healing and growth.

In your initial intake session, Vanessa will take the time to get to know you, understand your unique concerns, and collaboratively establish treatment goals. Subsequent sessions will be dedicated to working towards these goals, with each session lasting 50 or 80 minutes.

Drawing from a diverse range of evidence-based practices including Internal Family Systems lens (parts work), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) , and Trauma Conscious Yoga (somatics), Vanessa tailors her approach to suit your individual needs and preferences. She will also utilize tools from evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy* (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as necessary. Eating disorders and trauma are commonly cooccurring, therefore I strive to offer a safe space for those curious about trauma work or ready to engage in trauma work. I am trained in the following evidence-based trauma therapies: Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Lastly, I offer Family of Origin (FOO) work for individuals interested in increasing their understanding of how their early development impacts their life today.

Expect a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and learn practical strategies to overcome challenges and cultivate positive change. Together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

For more information about each of the modalities Vanessa uses, see below.

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a type of psychotherapy designed to help people quickly and effectively overcome traumatic experiences and other psychological issues. Here's a simple explanation of what it is and how it can help:

    What is ART?

    ART is a form of therapy that combines techniques from different types of therapies to help people process and resolve difficult emotions and memories. It often involves the following steps:

    1. Reprocessing and rescripting: The therapist guides the person to quickly process images and sensations connected to the traumatic experience and helps support the client's brain to make changes to the original narrative to make it less distressing.

    2. Eye Movements: Similar to watching a moving object, the therapist may ask the person to move their eyes back and forth. This helps in processing and reducing the intensity of painful memories.

    3. Relaxation Techniques: The therapist teaches ways to stay calm and relaxed during the therapy session.

    How Can ART Help?

    ART can be beneficial in several ways:

    1. Reduces Trauma Symptoms: It helps to lessen the emotional pain and distress associated with traumatic memories.

    2. Quick Results: Unlike traditional therapy, which can take months or years, ART often provides relief in just a few sessions.

    3. Non-Invasive: It doesn't require discussing all the details of the trauma, which can make it easier for some people to participate.

    4. Improves Daily Life: By reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, ART can help improve overall quality of life, making it easier to function day-to-day.

    In summary, ART is a quick and effective therapy method that helps people reprocess and lessen the impact of traumatic memories, allowing them to move forward with less emotional burden.

  • What is Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)?

    Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a type of therapy designed to help people deal with traumatic experiences and the negative thoughts and feelings that come with them. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. Understanding Trauma: It helps people understand how trauma affects their thoughts and feelings.

    2. Challenging Negative Thoughts: It teaches people to recognize and change harmful or unhelpful thoughts related to the trauma.

    3. Learning New Perspectives: It helps people see their experiences in a new, less distressing way.

    How Can CPT Help?

    CPT can help in several ways:

    1. Reduces Trauma Symptoms: It helps lessen the emotional pain and distress associated with traumatic memories.

    2. Improves Thinking Patterns: By changing negative thoughts, it helps people feel better and cope more effectively.

    3. Enhances Daily Life: It can reduce symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression, leading to better functioning in everyday activities.

    4. Builds Coping Skills: It provides tools and strategies for dealing with future challenges and stress.

    How Does CPT Work?

    1. Identifying Thoughts: People learn to identify negative thoughts that are connected to their trauma.

    2. Examining Beliefs: They examine and question these thoughts to see if they are accurate or helpful.

    3. Changing Perspectives: They work on developing more balanced and realistic ways of thinking about their experiences.

    In summary, CPT is a therapy that helps people understand and change the negative thoughts and feelings caused by trauma, leading to a decrease in distress and an improvement in overall well-being.

  • EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) is a type of therapy that is designed to help people heal from traumatic experiences and distressing memories with the use of bilateral stimulation.

    How Can EMDR Help Someone?

    1. Reducing Distress: EMDR can help lessen the intense emotional and physical reactions to traumatic memories. This means that thinking about the trauma becomes less upsetting over time.

    2. Changing Negative Beliefs: Traumatic experiences can lead to negative beliefs about oneself, such as "I'm not safe" or "I'm unlovable." EMDR helps to transform these negative beliefs into more positive, realistic ones, like "I am safe now" or "I am worthy of love."

    3. Improving Daily Functioning: By reducing the distress associated with traumatic memories and changing negative beliefs, EMDR can help people function better in their daily lives. This can lead to improvements in mood, relationships, and overall well-being.

  • What is Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)?

    Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is a type of therapy designed to help families support their loved ones who are struggling with emotional or behavioral problems. It was originally created to treat eating disorders but is now used for various issues. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. Family Involvement: EFFT involves caregivers (like parents or partners) in the therapy process to help their loved ones.

    2. Emotion Coaching: Caregivers learn skills to help their loved ones manage and understand their emotions better.

    3. Behavior Coaching: Caregivers also learn techniques to support their loved ones in changing harmful behaviors.

    How Can EFFT Help?

    EFFT can help in several ways:

    1. Strengthening Relationships: It focuses on improving the relationship between the caregiver and the loved one, which can be crucial for healing.

    2. Empowering Caregivers: By teaching caregivers advanced skills, they become better equipped to support their loved ones through emotional and behavioral challenges.

    3. Healing Emotional Wounds: The therapy helps to mend any emotional rifts between family members, promoting a more supportive and understanding environment.

    4. Addressing Caregiver Emotions: EFFT also works on helping caregivers deal with their own emotional blocks that might hinder their ability to support effectively.

    How Does EFFT Work?

    1. Teaching Skills: Therapists teach caregivers specific skills to support their loved ones emotionally and behaviorally.

    2. Collaborative Approach: Therapists and caregivers work together to strengthen the healing bonds and address any relationship issues.

    3. Emotional Processing: Caregivers learn to process their own emotions to prevent them from interfering with their ability to support their loved ones.

    In summary, EFFT is a family-centered therapy that equips caregivers with the tools to help their loved ones manage emotions and behaviors, ultimately fostering stronger, healthier relationships and promoting healing for everyone involved.

  • What is Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy?

    Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy is a type of therapy that helps people understand and heal the different parts of themselves. It’s based on the idea that our minds are like a family, with different "parts" that have their own thoughts and feelings. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. Understanding Parts: It helps people identify and understand the different parts of themselves, like the part that feels angry, the part that feels sad, or the part that tries to protect them.

    2. Healing Internal Conflicts: It works on resolving conflicts between these parts to create inner harmony.

    3. Self-Leadership: It helps people connect with their core self, which is calm, compassionate, and confident, to lead their inner family.

    How Can IFS Therapy Help?

    IFS Therapy can help in several ways:

    1. Reduces Inner Conflict: By understanding and addressing the needs of different parts, it reduces internal struggles and self-criticism.

    2. Heals Trauma: It helps heal past traumas by addressing the parts that are stuck in those painful experiences.

    3. Improves Emotional Well-Being: It promotes a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.

    4. Enhances Self-Awareness: It increases awareness of how different parts influence behavior and feelings, leading to better self-understanding.

    5. Strengthens Self-Compassion: It fosters a more compassionate and accepting relationship with oneself.

    How Does IFS Therapy Work?

    1. Identifying Parts: People learn to recognize the different parts of themselves and how they affect their thoughts and actions.

    2. Listening to Parts: They explore what each part wants and needs, and why it behaves the way it does.

    3. Healing and Integration: With the guidance of the therapist, people work on healing wounded parts and integrating them into a balanced internal system.

    In summary, IFS Therapy helps people understand and heal the different parts of themselves, leading to reduced inner conflict, healed trauma, improved emotional well-being, and greater self-awareness and self-compassion.

  • What is Gottman Couples Therapy?

    Gottman Couples Therapy is a type of therapy specifically designed to help couples improve their relationship. It’s based on research by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. Strengthening Relationships: It focuses on building a stronger, more loving, and more resilient relationship.

    2. Communication Skills: It teaches couples how to communicate better and understand each other’s needs and feelings.

    3. Conflict Resolution: It helps couples learn how to manage and resolve conflicts in a healthy way.

    How Can Gottman Couples Therapy Help?

    Gottman Couples Therapy can help in several ways:

    1. Improves Communication: Couples learn to talk and listen to each other more effectively, reducing misunderstandings and arguments.

    2. Builds Connection: It helps couples reconnect and strengthen their emotional bond.

    3. Manages Conflicts: Couples learn techniques to handle disagreements without damaging their relationship.

    4. Enhances Intimacy: It focuses on improving both emotional and physical intimacy.

    5. Prevents Relationship Problems: Couples gain tools to prevent small issues from becoming big problems.

    How Does Gottman Couples Therapy Work?

    1. Assessment: Couples start with an assessment to understand the strengths and challenges in their relationship.

    2. Skill-Building: Therapists teach specific skills for better communication, conflict resolution, and emotional connection.

    3. Ongoing Practice: Couples practice these skills with guidance from the therapist, both in sessions and at home.

    In summary, Gottman Couples Therapy helps couples build a stronger, healthier relationship by improving communication, managing conflicts, and deepening their emotional and physical connection.

  • Trauma-Conscious Yoga is a specialized approach that combines traditional yoga practices with trauma-sensitive techniques to create a safe and supportive environment for healing. Here’s a simple explanation of what it is and how it can help:

    What is Trauma-Conscious Yoga? Trauma-Conscious Yoga is designed to be mindful of the effects of trauma on the body and mind. It integrates trauma-informed yoga with somatic (body-focused) psychotherapy and Indigenous healing practices. The goal is to help individuals reconnect with their bodies in a safe way, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and healing from trauma.

    How Does it Help?

    1. Safety and Empowerment: The practice focuses on creating a safe space where individuals feel in control and empowered. This is essential for trauma survivors who may feel disempowered or disconnected from their bodies.

    2. Mind-Body Connection: By combining yoga poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness, Trauma-Conscious Yoga helps individuals become more attuned to their bodies. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have experienced trauma, as it helps them recognize and respond to their body's needs.

    3. Healing Trauma: This approach addresses various forms of trauma, including individual, collective, racial, social, ancestral, and intergenerational trauma. It helps release stored trauma from the body, facilitating both physical and emotional healing.

    4. Integration with Psychotherapy: Trauma-Conscious Yoga incorporates techniques from somatic psychotherapy, such as Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). These techniques help process and resolve trauma on a deeper level.

    5. Social Justice and Decolonization: This method also emphasizes social justice and decolonizing yoga practice, recognizing the roots of yoga and the importance of inclusivity in healing. It tackles systemic issues that contribute to trauma, aiming for collective healing and social equity. For more details, you can visit the Trauma-Conscious Yoga Institute​ (The Trauma-Conscious Yoga Institute)​​

  • What is Family of Origin Therapy?

    Family of Origin Therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on understanding how your early family experiences influence your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Here’s a simple breakdown:

    1. Exploring Early Experiences: It looks at your childhood and the dynamics in your family when you were growing up.

    2. Identifying Patterns: It helps you identify patterns and beliefs that you learned from your family.

    3. Understanding Impact: It examines how these early experiences affect your current relationships and behaviors.

    How Can Family of Origin Therapy Help?

    Family of Origin Therapy can help in several ways:

    1. Increases Self-Awareness: By understanding your early experiences, you become more aware of why you think, feel, and behave the way you do.

    2. Breaks Negative Patterns: It helps you identify and change negative patterns and beliefs that you might have carried from your childhood.

    3. Improves Relationships: By understanding your family dynamics, you can improve your current relationships and communicate more effectively.

    4. Heals Emotional Wounds: It helps you process and heal from any emotional pain or trauma from your past.

    5. Enhances Personal Growth: It promotes personal growth by helping you understand and integrate your past experiences.

    How Does Family of Origin Therapy Work?

    1. Exploring Your Past: You and your therapist discuss your childhood, family relationships, and significant events.

    2. Identifying Patterns: Together, you identify any patterns or beliefs from your family of origin that affect your current life.

    3. Making Connections: You make connections between your early experiences and your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

    4. Healing and Change: With the therapist’s help, you work on healing past wounds and changing any unhelpful patterns or beliefs.

    In summary, Family of Origin Therapy helps you understand how your early family experiences shape your current life, leading to increased self-awareness, healed emotional wounds, improved relationships, and personal growth.

    Based on the work of Dr. Crystal Collier